'wanderer, there is no path, the path is made by walking. we're all wanderers in life.' -spanish poet, antonio machado

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is home?

This will just be a quick post, as I am running out of battery life, and about to fly out of JFK to Prague. As I head back to Prague, another "home" of mine, I reflect on what "home" exactly means to me. For so long I haven't had a stationary home...Wisconsin has been my home, Prague has been my home and Minnesota has been my home. But, for the first time in a long time, I have found my "home" - and this song, which was appropriately played as the first song our wedding party danced to - explains it pretty well:

Man-oh-man, you're my best friend...there aint nothin' please me more than you..home...let me go home...home is wherever I'm with you. Ahhhh, love it! Now that I'm a married chick, I've found my "home" in/with Tom...and it is pretty awesome. I love it and am so excited about our future together!

Stay tuned for pictures from the SuperWedding...they're coming very, very soon. In the meantime, head out to our website to see the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner snaps.

Love to you all and safe travels (with my blanky in tow),


p.s. by the way, Tom is now obsessed with this song and plays it every chance he gets. ha.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Breaking the blog silence...WHOA!

(a sneak preview from the superwedding, by the fab cat norman)

I am sure you have all wondered, 'Will Megan ever blog again?' Well, I am here to tell you that, yes, I will indeed blog again (like it or not! :)). Life has been a chaotic-ally beautiful mess as of late between wedding planning, work (as a consultant for the Bohemian Hostels group), moving to a new place, finding a challenge to tackle in the future, etc. but now I am getting more of a chance to breathe. And, as I look back on the last few months, I realize more and more that the silence was quite necessary and purposeful.

On Thursday I will be heading back to Prague to manage the grand grand grand :) opening party for Mosaic House, continue to build out marketing materials for all properties and finish up that fancy-shmancy new Sir Toby's website! WOO-HOO! It's hard to believe that I've been back in the States for 4 months and equally hard to believe how much has been accomplished in those 4 months. I am starting to believe that my fiance...oops, I mean 'hubby' (still getting used to that) and I really are superheroes.

In the coming weeks I will detail my travel experiences as I return to a land I call 'home' (one of many) and reconnect with my team as well as some very special friends who I call my 'second family.' Then, I promise (you heard it here, folks) to take you through my planning process for the wedding and tell you all of the juicy details that I never would have dreamed of exposing prior to the wedding! SO many special surprises on the big day! We had a blast and are super-excited for this new leg of our journey together.

Oh happy day,

MEgan (suszynski!)