'wanderer, there is no path, the path is made by walking. we're all wanderers in life.' -spanish poet, antonio machado

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I am going to write a book...

...that's right, you heard it first here (okay, let's be honest...this isn't the first time you've heard it;))...I will write a book someday! And why?! Take a peek at Godin's wisdom below...

Why write a book?

If you've never written a non-fiction book, there are a lot of reasons why you might want to. It organizes your thoughts. It's a big project worthy of your attention.


But once you've written a book, it's not clear that it's a useful thing to publishone. After all, it takes a year. It involves a lot of people. You need to print a lot of copies, ship them everywhere, create a lot of hoopla and hope that people actually a) hear about it, b) decide it's worth the effort to track it down and c) read it and spread it.

Wouldn't it be easier to just blog it? Or to post a PDF online and watch it spread?

Some of my books have been short... one was under a hundred pages long. It could certainly have a been a series of blog posts. And the posts might even have reached more people than the book ultimately did. If my blog posts were counted on the same metrics as bestselling books, every single one would be a New York Times bestseller. Yours too, most likely. Books don't sell that many copies.

The goal isn't always to spread an idea. Sometimes the goal is to make change happen. A book is a physical souvenir, a concrete instantiation of your ideas in a physical object, something that gives your ideas substance and allows them to travel.

Out of context, a 140 character tweet cannot change someone's life. A blog post might (I can think of a few that changed the way I think about business and even life). A movie can, but most big movies are inane entertainments designed to make a lot of money, not change people. But books?

The reason I wrote Linchpin: If you want to change people, you must create enough leverage to encourage the change to happen.

Books change lives every day. A book takes more than a few minutes to read. A book envelopes us, it is relentless in its voice and in its linearity. You start at the beginning and you either ride with the author to the end or you bail. And unlike just about any form of electronic media, you get to read the book at your own pace, absorbing it as you go.

I published a book today. My biggest and most important and most personal and most challenging book. A book that scared me.

It took me ten years to write this book. I'm hoping it changes a few people.


[Amazon, BN, independents, volunteer reviewers. Kindle too. I'll be posting details of a fascinating media tour in a few hours if you want to see what the book is actually about.]

And now the question for you is, if I write a book...will you buy it? And this is where it gets really telling...if I write a book, will you buy it for your friend? I guess we'll have to see. Only time will tell;).

Love, Me

Thursday, January 28, 2010

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...

Mikaela showing off her ballet skills!

...happy birthday to my lovely sister, mikaela...happy birthday to you! Here I am singing to you, while balancing your 'make art, not war' remarque TOMS (best company ever!) on my poe TOMS. Even though I haven't gotten you a gift yet, I am sending over the gift of love and positive vibes while balancing some shoes...that's good enough, right?! It's the thought that counts ;).

I can't believe my sweet, beautiful, talented sister is turning 15-years-old! NO WAY! Seriously, I can't believe this little girl (see pic above) is growing up so fast! Stop, stop STOP! ;)

Love you, Mikaela, and I wish you the best birthday a gal could possibly have!

Your big sis,


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

my life is measured by travels...me amo barTHelona!

Thanks to my amazing big bro for pulling me out of another blog silence with this ZHTV below about our trip to to the amazing and gorgeous Barcelona...where it's all about experimentation with the senses.

I am obviously not as far along with my new friend ('mac daddy'...that's its name:)) as he is, so it's nice for me to be able to borrow his creations and exploit them for my blog:). This vid chronicles our adventures in Barcelona. Pay special attention to the 8:30 minute mark, as the crazy/cool street performers played one of my fav tunes...'everything is gonna be alright...everything is gonna be alright...'

We meandered around the Barcelona alleys and were enveloped by the sweet sounds of another street band (see the 10:28 minute mark) with the most ethereal-sounding percussion instruments I've ever encountered. Mmm...the sounds of Barcelona bliss. A feeling that can not quite be summed up in words.

Enjoy! More to come...I promise, the Christmas '09 card is on its way. ha ha.

zhtv #28 a taste of barcelona from Zach Harrod on Vimeo.

I love how Zach frames this ZHTV up...it isn't just about our trip to Barcelona, but it's more about showing all of you the amazing sights and experiences the world has to offer beyond the borders of your own country.

Travel is truly something my brother and I are both extremely passionate about and it's a passion I vow to bring back to the States with me and pass on to as many people as I can possible touch. Interaction with different cultures, customs, languages, etc...there is truly nothing else like it. So get out there and experience something different. You may find out that life beyond your borders isn't as it once seemed.

Also, on another note - I've noticed my blog is being read in more and more countries, thanks to my trusty clustr map (check out bottom right of my page)...I can see you! Thanks for following me, guys!

Spreading the travel love,


P.S. Check out my brother's 2009 in review post with some more thoughts about our bro/sis Barcelona adventure!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

awakening from the blog silence...


Whew! First of all, I would like to apologize for my silence the last month - it is utterly CRAZY to think about all that has happened in the last month, but even so...there is no excuse for my lack of bloggin'. So, please forgive me...please, please, please!

Second of all, you may have noticed that the blog has a bit of a new look. So allow me to introduce you to the NKOTB (new kids on the block, baby!...yeah, isn't it sad that you just knew what i was talking about when you read that acronym?! back in the day. *sigh* oh, jordan! ha. i digress.)...

1) I've added a new piece of functionality...take a look. Just over to the right. Scroll down and you'll find it under the somewhat creepy 'I'm watching you' heading. That's it...ClustrMaps. I can track visitor locations by country so as you so graciously stalk me, I can stalk you back. FUN, huh?! Yeah, super-cool.

In fact, it was my friend ClustrMaps that encouraged me to write an update post now, because she told me that nearly 170 people have visited my site in the last month and that was embarrassing because, well, I haven't written anything new! But, what she also informed me about is that there are people all over the world reading this blog. It looks like I have fans in (or perhaps people were unfortunate to stumble upon me in) the States (duh!), Czech Republic (again, duh!), Canada, Poland, UK, Australia, Germany, Brazil, India (what?!) Luxembourg (again, what?!), the Netherlands, Serbia (whoa!), Australia, Turkey (wow, awesome), Portugal, Spain and Austria. How cool is that?! Thanks to all of you for visiting 'zmena' and being so cool and other-worldly ;).

But, I am wondering where my peeps from France, Switzerland, Ireland, Kazakhstan (Borat?!), Africa, Nicaragua, etc. etc. are! Come on, guys - represent! You can click on the map and check it out too. Pretty dang cool, huh?!

2) Also gave the blog a new look and feel, but want to do something even more visually appealing. And, now that I have a mac (woot woot - best christmas present EVER!), I think I'll be able to whip something up - if nothing else, at least a new main image with embedded copy rather than the template's forced and ugly typeface. Hang with me.

That's it for now. I have loads of updates for you guys and I am VERY behind, but will work on the ol' holiday letter in the next week or so and hopefully get something out there for the world to see!

Along with that, I'll tell you about my MAD-CRAZY travel month of January...I just returned from 2.5 weeks of holiday in the States between Minnesota and Wisconsin on the 8th, celebrated my one-year anniversary in Prague on Saturday, and then hit the road for an offsite company retreat in Austria with our St. Christopher's partners from London. Phew. You thought it ended there, but it doesn't. Next week my travel pal, Lexy, comes to Prague and then we'll hit the tracks for the Kitzbuhel world cup. WOW. AMAZING...and we're both super-pumped. We'll return on Saturday night and she'll head to the States while I jump on a plane to Dublin, Ireland for the Hostelworld conference. Are you tired and maybe a little bit jealous from reading that?! I am definitely already tired, but super-excited for this month of work/fun travel.

Follow me here and I'll share the crazy travel stories with you all and try to get daily updates from the world cup next week! YAY!

